Saturday, February 6, 2010

My Top Ten Movie Villians of All-time

Hey everyone
it's me again=) posting my take on the lateset movie news.
This post, however, will not have any recent movie news even though there was alot of buzz about the recent oscar nominations. No, this posting will be about who I think are the greatest movie villains of all time. But don't worry, next week I will be posting my top ten movie heroes of all time. So, down to business.
#10 Mini-Me from the Austin Powers movie series.
       Yeah I know what you're all thinking, "minime", well think about it. Mini-Me doesn't talk, he bites, he could very well beat the crap out of everyone who is twice his height and lastly he doesn't talk. To me a little clone who doesn't talk and fights hard deserves to be on this list.
#9 The shark from Jaws
      Yes, this has to be the best animal villian anyone has encountered. This shark perhaps had everyone biting their nails when they saw this movie as well as the characters in the movie itself. As soon as he devours his victims he makes sure that it is cold, unpredictable, and he just keeps coming back. The perfect recipe for a villian.
#8 Goldfinger in Goldfinger
     Perhaps one of the most popular and most sinsiter Bond villians of all time. This guy just wants gold and gold only, and doing whatever it takes to make his gold more valuable makes him absolutely sinister. The famous scene where all he wants to do is get his kill James Bond by lasers, just increase his value of gold is truly a stoke of villainy.
#7 Lord Voldermort in the Harry Potter series
     His look pretty much defines who he is. Lord Voldermort's persistance to come back and finish Harry Potter off for good. Why? We don't know (yet). But the way Voldermort looks and his trechery to everyone who is technically good stands out alot. Think about it, a snake is looked upon as a bad thing and Voldermort truly resembles a snake and his sneekiness and true evilness makes him a very great villian.
#6 Karen Eiffel in Stranger than Fiction
      Yeah, I know many don't look at Emma Thompson's character as a villian. But when it really comes down, she really is. She desires to kill the characters she writes about(all unknowing that they could've been real people). And overall she doesn't really care(until the end), she only cares about her writing. Her writing of only tragedies. A villain has never gone to this extent.
#5 Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs
     Ooh...just saying the name gives me the creeps. This man has to be the best monster in movie history. I mean come on the guy eats people. And to top it off he details on how he did it while she is unknowingly being manipulated into listening into him. Also, he also enjoys it and his sinister and very erie look gives anyone a shutter through their spine
#4 The Matrix in The Matrix
     I know many people say that Agent Smith is one of the greatest villians of all time, but I personally think that its the actual title role that deserves to be one of the greatest villians of all time. The reason being is that it is wanted by an elite group who escaped from it and is near impossible to defeat. It also blinds those it entraps with a world that we always thought was real but really isn't. It's smart in the way constantly fools people and that many will never see the truth and is slowly killing them. A true villian is the one you never knew about.
#3 The Terminator in The Terminator
      Who knew a robot from the future can be so bad? Well James Cameron did in his ingenius interpretation of the future and a story to protect her from a really buff humanoid robot who really can't be killed(unless you put alot of weight on it). The title role character really takes the cake on the movie, however, because he is so cold and that his only motive is to carry out his mission on killing John Connor and making sure the machines prevail in taking over the future. Man...the machines just keep getting smarter.
#2 The Joker in the Batman movie series. IS the most coldblodded villian in history. The Joker has no other name and kills many people and is sure to turn the city of Gotham upside down. His only motive is nothing. He literally enjoys burning Gotham and doesn't care what happens to them. Also, his makeup and his crazy clown laugh really leaves someone to turn away from his face, but either way he could be perhaps the most evil of all the villians.
#1 Darth Vader in Star Wars
       And so we reach number one. Yes, it is indeed Darth Vader and if you're wondering why I put him above all these other villians is because he just defines what a villian should be. He strikes fear into those who respect him and he makes others obey him. He resembles many dictators of the past age and the story he has is truly tragic. His ultimate power is unfathomable and his infamous costume leaves everyone wanting more, however, his power and lust for more power no matter the cost, is what makes Darth Vader a perfect villian.
  So what did you think of my list. Comment below.

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